
With so many other avenues of business promotion, it’s easy to overlook the power of thank you cards, especially when you’re struggling to stand out in a digital-dominated market. Don’t let these cards fall by the wayside, though! From using special paper and creative layouts to adding in personalized touches, you can take your business thank you cards from ordinary to extraordinary with just a few tweaks here and there. With that in mind, let’s look at 10 tips to take your business thank you cards from ordinary to extraordinary!

1) Staying on Brand

There’s a lot of room for creativity when it comes to business thank you cards. It’s worth taking some time to design something that matches your business branding, especially if you’re not going with one of those premade templates from office supply stores. And remember, there are no set rules for what should go on a business thank you card. If you want, include a free gift coupon, or offer up information about an upcoming event or promotion. The world is your oyster!

2) Add a Personal Touch

Adding a handwritten thank you note is an inexpensive way to say thanks and shows you’re paying attention. There are many different ways to write your notes, but one of our favorites is as follows: First, start with a clean slate. This can be a white piece of paper or a blank file on your computer. Second, take time with each card and handwrite each note individually. If you have little ones around, enlist their help in addressing envelopes for you!

3) Make It Easy to Share

One of my favorite business thank you card tips is to make it as easy as possible for recipients of your cards to share their gratitude online. Invite them—no pressure—to share on Facebook, or simply provide a sticker that says Help me spread the word and then provides a link where they can do just that. This type of simple invitation will go a long way in helping your brand gain traction online.

4) Go Above and Beyond

With so many people in your network and so many details to keep up with, it’s easy for business thank you cards—and all business correspondence, really—to fall by the wayside. But there are plenty of small touches that can make a big difference, like handwritten notes or business cards. A thoughtful gesture could be just what your relationship needs to get going again.

5) Use Space Efficiently

If you’re running a small business out of your home, you probably have limited space. Use every inch of your office by creating some extra storage with a wall-mounted filing cabinet. These cabinets typically come in two pieces that bolt together and are extremely easy to install, so there’s no need for any specialized tools or contractors.

6) Give Creative Solutions

While it’s important for your company’s marketing strategy to have a digital presence, there are many other ways you can showcase your business. For example, you can send handwritten thank-you cards after clients purchase something from you. They might seem old-fashioned, but they actually work! People respond much better when they receive a card that isn’t mass produced.

7) Boost Customer Interaction

Great customer service doesn’t necessarily mean you have an elaborate call center. It’s about humanizing your brand and making it relatable to your audience. Whatever stage of business you’re in, greeting customers with a handwritten thank-you note or business card shows that you’re personalizing their experience with your company—and it also goes a long way in boosting customer loyalty.

8) Get the Design Right for Audience Expectations

Simple business cards may seem like an easy way to cut costs, but they can be a serious turnoff. Unlike most direct mail, printed marketing materials are sent directly from you or your business—and it’s important that potential customers see you as professional and credible. For instance, if you’re sending out thank you notes for services rendered or sales made, it wouldn’t be appropriate to send something flimsy that looks like it was produced in 10 minutes on your home printer.

9) Select An Alternative, Environmentally Friendly Material

Everyone likes taking a pen from an event, so using them as your business cards is a good way to ensure you don’t leave any on your chair. But most pens are made from plastic, which isn’t great for our planet. Opt instead for bamboo or wooden pens. They’re just as easy to keep track of and they have a lower carbon footprint than plastic ones do. The benefits are all around you when you go with wood!

10) Don’t Forget the Details

Too often, business owners spend so much time planning a new marketing campaign or pushing out great content on social media that they forget about other opportunities to share their brand with new audiences. The thank you card is one small opportunity that can make a big difference. When used as part of an overall branding strategy, these little cards can help maintain a consistent look for your company and allow you to be top-of-mind when people are ready to buy from you again.