
Today’s Insurance Industry is overly saturated with competition. This article seeks to assist agents and brokers to find ways to differentiate themselves from the pack and be different in a good way. Read on to learn ways that an insurance agent can ‘Set Yourself Apart’ and achieve success!

Take time to understand your clients.

Insurance agents operate within a very competitive marketplace. Over the last several years, we have seen a rise in the number of carriers directly offering cookie-cutter insurance options to small and mid-size businesses. While these industry giants appear daunting, they simply cannot compete with perhaps the greatest the advantage that single agents have over them — an in-depth, personal understanding of your client’s coverage needs.

Insurance is not a “one size fits all” commodity. Every company has its own unique exposures and risk sensitivities. Taking the time to truly understand your client’s business and unique company niche will help you identify gaps in coverage.
Communicate in a meaningful way.

People buy from insurance agents because they like knowing a competent professional is looking out for their best interests on an ongoing basis. If communication is impersonal or patchy, clients stop feeling like their agent has their back, and insurance itself begins to feel like just a commodity.

The trick is to have at least a couple personal and impactful interactions with each client during the year. It does not even need to be insurance related. As long as the client feels like you are taking the time to communicate with them on a personal level, and in a meaningful way, they are more likely to believe you are also working for them behind the scenes.

Be relentless in preparation.

Every event and opportunity deserves your very best, and being your best starts with relentless preparation. Those who practice get better and those who do not — don’t!

Relentless preparation starts with identifying what a future ideal client looks like —account type, size, class of business, etc., and then completing a targeted account strategy plan specifically addressing how you will secure that all important first meeting.
Make—and keep—a promise.

Your brand is what clients think when they hear your insurance agency’s name. It’s an impression built on their experience and the messaging you have communicated.

Your brand is derived from who you are, what you stand for, who you want to be, and who people perceive you to be. It is perception, and that it is very important to your insurance agency’s growth and its future.

To write more insurance policies and set yourself apart in the increasingly competitive and noisy insurance industry, contact RECAMP today, found online at, or 888.882.8806.

The RECAMP system teaches how to earn valuable referrals and build a referral network that will continue to grow and prosper. Enjoy more business and increased success in 2022 — contact RECAMP today at, or 888.882.8806 to learn how to jumpstart your business as an insurance agent.